Vantage Point vantage point condominium owners association  
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Roof Repair

Parking Lot Repair

Hallway Renovation

New Entrance Sign Design and Logo

Wood Shed Replacement




Siding Project

Window Replacement

Storm Door Replacement

Balcony Light Replacement




Our major capital improvement project is the repair and siding of all association buildings.  In 2005 TPW submitted a building investigation and engineering report, and identified several areas where our buildings were experiencing severe deterioration.  Upon examination of the report the association board voted to bring the matter before the membership to decide when to start the project.  The report indicated that the damage was so extensive that all the siding and trim had to be removed, the structural damage repaired and the siding replaced with new material.  This project was introduced to the members at our annual meeting in March 2006 and subsequently voted upon and passed by the association members.  It was decided to begin with Building 3 since it was in most urgent need of repair.

After the siding was completed, the roof replacement and roof structural repair commenced and is currently progressing.  The roof on building #3 has been completed with  Building #1 being next and then Building #2 


Phase I                                      Building 3 - Siding

Phase II                                     Building 2 - Siding

Phase III                                    Building 1 - Siding

Phase IV                                    Installation of new roofs for all three buildings

Phase V                                     Renovation of common hallways

Phase VI                                    Wood shed renovation

Phase VII                                   Grilling and outdoor picnic area